The Canadian Blockchain OLympiad (CA-BCOL) invites current and recent students to solve real-world problems with decentralized applications, built with blockchain or distributed ledger technology. Top scoring projects proceed to the International BlockChain OLympiad (IBCOL) in July 2020.
Contestants define their own problem scopes and develop plans to solve it
Contestants are expected to submit a whitepaper proposing their solution
Contestants may build something to impress investors and employers
Blockchain will generate over $24 trillion HKD by 2030 across industry verticals
There is a lack of qualified blockchain professionals around the world
While cryptocurrencies waned, business and governments continued to explore
Fri 15 May 23:59 EDT - Deadline for draft whitepaper (Mentor day review)
Mon 1 June 23:59 EDT - Deadline for whitepaper in English (First Draft)
Mon 15 June 23:59 EDT - Deadline for whitepaper in English (Second Draft)
Mon 22 June 23:59 EDT - Canada representatives to IBCOL announced
Current and recent students of any discipline may compete
1 to 6 current or recent students can register as one team
Any team can submit more than one project
Join our training sessions for current and recent students: sign up for free
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